I recently checked in with a client as we had exchanged a few text messages concerning a black-tie optional event he was attending. I wanted to see how it went.
His response was one I wanted to share...a lot of lessons in here.
Hi J,
How did everything work out for the black-tie optional event?
Yeah, the event definitely was a nice case study.
I enjoy a lot of your Sunday email wisdom, which resonated as I made it through the evening.
1. The fit of my old tuxedo sucked (not so bad I was talked about, but noticeable every time I checked myself out in the bathroom). Should’ve pulled the ripcord into one of my dark suits.
2. A ‘stock’ tuxedo can make a man look good, but it’s the attention to finer details that differentiate.
3. Confidence in the look translates to more enjoyment of the experience.
4. Life’s too short to settle.
Been meaning to come your way, even prior to the wedding, so I’ll look for some dates.
Thanks for asking.
The confidence line is one that stuck with me...it's so true!
Did anything stand out to you?