
My Mom has a few recipes I know she can practically make in her sleep. Perfectly I might add.

It’s a skill she’s learned over decades of trial and error. Of watching and learning and practicing.  

We hone skills by doing. 

We get better by practice.  Then reflecting.  What worked well and what didn't?

Course correcting along the way.

A doctor perfects their bedside manner by reflecting on how a consultation went.
Salespeople gets better at closing by assessing what did or didn’t work on the last sales call.

A well-dressed man becomes that way by trying, reflecting and then finding his authentic voice.

Practice alone won’t make us perfect. 

For progress to happen we need to make time for the thinking as well as the doing.  

Don't forget to reflect and to plan ahead.  

what worked <---------------> what's next 

Both powerful when it comes to building a wardrobe that works for you.

Jesus Guillen