Status Quo Bias

Ahh, the old status quo bias.

A preference for the current state of affairs. 

It feels comfortable.  It may not be our best, but change is hard...and risky...right?

We all suffer.  We like what is familiar.

We often settle for things just because it's comfortable.  Even when we KNOW it's out of date or not right.  

What's wild about the status quo bias it distorts our sense of risk and reward.  

Two psychologists studied this in the '90s and found that we value risk at twice the level of reward.

Only when we stand to gain $200, are we willing to risk $100. 

When it comes to your brand and how you present yourself, margins this high stunt our growth.  

They keep us standing still.  

We stay in suits we've outgrown, we default to things that get us by, we can't see clearly anymore.  

Honestly, we just can't take the risk on that new pair of shoes.  What will others think?

Who knows?

You actually might miss how things "used to be", but to keep moving forward, I  believe it's a risk you have to take.

The status quo keeps us in relationships that have run their course and careers that are going nowhere.  Those are heavy and impactful.

By no means should it keep you from upgrading your look.

After all, it's only clothing, right?

I say go for it.

Jesus Guillen