I Never Wear Suits

Hope you are well.

Today, this note is for the guy who says..."But, I never have to wear a suit"...

Perhaps the job or your lifestyle doesn't call for a more formal dress.

Maybe you just really hate wearing jackets?

Perhaps a successful business owner, and you like to always call the shots?

All of this is OK.

I've heard every reason in the world for not needing to own a nice suit.

Trust me; I get it. But here is the thing.

You are the perfect candidate for a well-fitting,
best you can buy - knock'em dead suit.

The thing is, when you do need to wear a suit, it will be essential.

Job interview, marriage ceremony, even sadly a funeral.

You will desire to look your best. You've got to make it really count.

If you are rarely seen in a suit, the day you wear one, all eyes will be on you.

This is your time to shine.

Don't fight it.

Own the opportunity.

And the good news is, the guy who never wears a suit, really only needs one.

One isn't too much to ask, is it?

My Recommendation:

Medium gray solid cashmere wool blend suit in a four-season weight.

Style it as a two-button with a flat front trouser.

Keep a crisp, clean shirt on deck and pair it with a nice dress shoe.

With purpose,


Jesus Guillen