Growth For Growth's Sake

What are you trying to grow?  Business success, your network, your companies KPI's? 

Whatever it is you're trying to's impossible to think about that success without the intention to grow.  

But sometimes, growth for growth's sake can be a trap.  This is especially true with wardrobe building and the ease of fast fashion.

What if instead of thinking about growing our wardrobe, we considered perhaps that editing was needed instead.

You are taking a step back to get ahead.  

When we begin to think in terms of function over fashion, we are compelled to be more intentional about HOW we are growing the wardrobe.

Focusing on the HOW makes all the difference.

With a wardrobe journey, you have two big decisions.  Where you want to end up and how you want to get there.

I can help with both.

Jesus Guillen